A vibrant hand-wrapped bouquet full of fragrant orange lilies, spray roses, red carnations, festive pinecones and seasonal foliage
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Pretty and pink blooms make up our Perfect Pinks florist bouquet. This bouquet contains a mixture of pink roses and alstros, white carnations, and seasonal foliage.
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A dazzling vibrant arrangement suitable for all occasions. Stunning Orange roses and gerberas are perfectly accompanied by vibrant lilies and chrysanthemums.
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This exquisite collection of high quality soft shaded blooms make the perfect gift for any occasion. (please note Peonies only included when in season)
High end collection of pastel shaded flowers . Customer advised Peonies only included during season. Handtied and wrapped as you wish.
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Capture the essence of a golden meadow with this stunning bouquet of yellow, white, and orange flowers. Presented in a stylish packaging it's perfect for adding natural beauty to any space.
A collection of shades of orange yellow and white flowers and fillers with the addition of mixed foliage. Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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A beautiful arrangement of soft shaded flowers, thoughtfully arranged in beautiful packaging Ideal for any occasion that calls for a serene and soothing touch.
Soft peach and cream flowers and fillers with the addition of mixed foliages.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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A beautiful collection of the prettiest lilac roses, bloom chrysanthemums, scented white stock, long-lasting lilac freesia, white roses all complemented by luxurious seasonal foliages.
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White and yellow flowers are the match made in flower heaven. Yellow gerberas and white lilies are the key flowers in the is sunshine filled bouquet. Finished off with alstroemeria and carnations.
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A delightful pale yellow and soft pink bouquet, featuring the finest roses, carnations, alstroemeria, lilies and chrysanthemum. The perfect gift to tell them just how wonderful they are.
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This bouquet featuring cerise germini, pink roses and striking bloom chrysanthemums is a welcome addition to any room in the house.
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Made up of red and deep pink shades complimented with purples. Showing some love has never been so easy.
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This elegant mix of white blooms is sure to charm them. Exquisite white roses blend beautifully with lush lilies, green hypericum, and seasonal foliage.
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Two shades of pink roses are used in this gorgeous bouquet, carefully hand crafted and delivered by our local florists. A generous helping of miniature pink gerberas and a loose scattering of lilac blooms and smelling eucalyptus foliage make this a bouque
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This lovely florist designed, created and delivered flower bouquet in vibrant greens and orange. Lime green kermit chrysanthemums with bright orange miniature gerberas and burnt orange lilies make this the fresh flower cocktail of the year.
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This eye-catching bouquet is carefully crafted from beautiful roses, chrysanthemum blooms, lisianthus and foliage, in traditional and rustic shades of purple, lilac and pink. Edged with sweet-smelling eucalyptus foliage, this subtle arrangement of fresh f
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White roses, both a long stemmed large variety and a smaller white spray rose, and hand tied with lovely white miniature gerberas and fresh blue thistles. Displayed against a bed of sweet smelling eucalyptus this bouquet is perfect for any occasion but ha
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A beautiful bouquet, featuring a traditional combination of pastel pink carnations alongside gorgeous, long-stemmed white roses. Arranged between a mass of deep green salal foliage, this gorgeous bouquet is perfect for year round, hand delivered to your r
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Our bouquet may include any mix of flowers in a chosen theme selected by our team of florists and hand delivered to your lucky recipient. Hand-Tie in water.
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Perfect pink roses and subtle, blush pink coloured lilies are stunningly hand tied amidst a background of green trachelium foliage by our skilled florists. A beautiful floral offering at any time of year, our Pink Blush bouquet is perfect for a host of oc
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of yellow and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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A pretty and luxurious bouquet of the finest seasonal flowers and foliage. This stunning collection includes the finest pink roses, perfectly complimented by seasonal foliage and subtle, traditional carnations. Edged with chunky and striking salal foliage
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This delightful collection of seasonal blooms is a beautiful way to send your affections. A pretty arrangement in a classic basket simply fizzing with joy and character.
An arrangement in a handled basket in foam / other using vibrant multi coloured flowers. A fabric bow was used to enhance the design. Top tip: Make the design with long lasting foliage before completing the design with choice flowers.
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A stunning arrangement of luxurious flowers in a white & cream colourway. Made to impress in a stylish hat box.
An arrangement in a hat box in foam of all white / cream / green flowers and neutral fillers. Top Tip: Fill the hat box with foliage first before adding the flowers.
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This little pot of sweetness is a joy to behold. Filled with smiling flowers and a complement of variegated foliage.
A jute plant pot cover or similar is lined and filled with foam / other to come just above the rim of the pot by approximately 2cm. The arrangement of traditional pastel shaded flowers is front facing. A fabric bow is used to enhance the design. Top tip: make the arrangement in long lasting foliage before completing with the flowers.
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What could be more perfect than this fabulous collection of quality flowers hand-tied and delivered in water.
The customer is expecting a hand-tied quality of flowers in shades of pink with hints of green and fillers. Gift-wrapped and delivered in water in the wrapping of your choosing.
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This luxury arrangement of flowers in a stylish Hat Box will be remembered for a long time!
An all round arrangement of high end flowers arranged in foam or other in shades of pink and peach delivered in a hat box container.
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Pink Roses and Carnations make this gift timeless and classic
6 pink roses and 6 Pink carnations were used to make this hand-tied. The customer will be expecting this combination. Different shades of pink of either flower will be acceptable. If the customer chooses the higher priced item more roses and carnations should be added. Gift wrapped and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing (If these products are not available please reject or contact customer to advise of alternatives).
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This little bag filled with flowers is the perfect way to send your message.
A front facing or all round arrangement in foam or other in a small Jute Bag in shades of yellow and white flowers. (Top tip - Fill foam with foliage before putting in the main flowers)
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An outstanding hand tied bouquet with a cascade of colour and a treasure chest overflowing with the beautiful flowers.
A handtied of mixed pastel shaded summer flowers and foliages in water wrapped and presented as you wish.
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A simple wrap of mixed flowers to convey your message will be put together from the finest collection of flowers on the day by a real local florist.
A simple wrap of flowers in pastel shades in paper / tissue / cellophane, your choice. (See video for wrapping tips)
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of pink and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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A bouquet of mixed beautiful roses is sure to create a lasting impression.
12 mixed 50cm roses were used for this Hand-tied. If the customer chooses the higher priced item then extra roses should be used. Delivered in water in a wrapping of your choosing.
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Send lots of love and kisses with this classic hand-tied bouquet featuring a selection of romantic flowers finished with a luxurious single red rose.
A pink and red hand-tied or arrangement in Oasis to include a single red rose to be delivered in a gift bag or box.
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Leave a lasting impression with this single red rose, presented in a glass vase.
Leave a lasting impression with this single red rose, presented in a glass vase.
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A stunning array of blossoms and natural foliage, unspoiled bright and beautiful, as nature intended.
Green, white and lilac flowers and mixed foliages are handtied and placed in a glass vase. No cellophane must be used and only natural ties to be used.
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A water bubble crammed with outstanding flowers, minimal fuss, maximum joy… Simply display and enjoy.
Handtied in water of mixed summer flowers and foliages wrapped and presented as you choose.
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A long lasting elegant Orchid plant is a very lovely gift to give and receive. (Colour may vary)
A double stem orchid plant gift wrapped. We added some birch twigs to accentuate florist skills to make it a little different from supermarkets. If not available please reject or contact customer to arrange alternatives.
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A breathtaking spray of seasonal flowers interspersed with foliage. Natural, beautiful and just perfect.
Please use no cellophane or plastic tie on this product as it is marketed as eco friendly.
Hand-tied delivered in water in a glass vase. If you do not want to tie the flowers that is your choice.
Suggested flowers and foliage
Germini, Rose, Chrysanthemum Blooms, Astilbe, Lizianthus, Alchemilla Mollis, Antirrhinum, Phlox, Aralia, Eucalyptus cinerea.
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Leave a lasting impression with this single red rose, presented in a glass vase. Handmade & hand-delivered with chocolates to the one you treasure.
A single high quality rose is arranged in a stem vase with high quality choice foliage and a novelty item. Top tip: The ribbon is wired and the flowers are tied before putting into the vase to keep everything in place for delivery.
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(Florist Choice) A delicious smaller sized gift delivered as an addition to your floral gift.
(Florist Choice) A delicious gift of 6, that is only available as an addition to your flower order.
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This warm, subtle coloured collection of beautiful flowers will make anyone’s day.
A collection of high end flowers in shades of pink and peach are what the customer is expecting. Hand-tied and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing.
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Shower them with love with this cutesy collection of seasonal flowers in pretty pastels. Beautifully arranged and stylishly presented in a traditional basket.
An arrangement in a handled basket in foam / other using pastel traditional shaded flowers. A fabric bow was used to enhance the design. Top tip: Make the design with long lasting foliage before completing the design with choice flowers.
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Roses and carnations make the perfect couple when combined in this timeless and romantic gift that’s sure to impress.
6 red roses and 6 red carnations with choice filler and foliage in a hand-tied or arrangement in Oasis and presented in a gift bag or box. A novelty item is added.
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Classic red and white rose and lily coffin spray using roses, lilies, gypsophilia, soft ruscus, leather leaf. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Blue and white coffin spray using roses, lilies, statice and mixed foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Oriental all pink rose and lilly coffin spray with foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Beautifully arranged orange and peache coloured coffin spray includes roses, lilies, calla lilies, germini, spray carnations and foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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With a bright mix of the colours, highlights of which include the sunny faced sunflowers complimented by the pink and orange Germini stems, bring warmth to an already summer mix of blooms.
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Beautifully arranged blue and white coffin spray full of field like flowers. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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The delicate pastel pink petals shine through on this modern version of an old favourite. Fragrant freesias and classic spray carnations are the perfect fusion of flowers. A favourite amongst florists and recipients alike.
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Perfect for any occasion, this colourful bouquet of lilies, gerberas, carnations and chrysanthemums is carefully arranged by our skilled florists. Dotted with foliage and finished with a pretty wrap, this bouquet is a visual feast and a popular choice amo
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Bulbous herbs with long, narrow leaves, a fresh violet blossom. Hyacinths have a delightful scent which will brighten any room.
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Aptly named, this simple yet stunning bouquet is a quartet of the most striking flowers in vibrant shades of pink and lime. Bound amongst exuberant aspidistra, this collection of roses and germini with carnations and shamrock blooms is not for the shrinki
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Featuring an array of luxurious red blooms including red roses, tulips and vibrant carnations, carefully bound amongst folded aspidistra leaves and fresh green hypericum berries, this bouquet really is truly divine.
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Cheerful carnations blend beautifully to create this pretty bouquet. Featuring hot pink, red, and cream carnations, mixed with seasonal foliage.
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Blackberry is a sumptuous mix of rustic summer colours, with pink germini complementing purple blooms and scented lilies to bring this delightful bouquet to life.
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Send this perfect gift of pure white stems, arranged by Rosa Florist and ready to be displayed in the handy gift bag. Nothing but the finest and freshest white stems are in this stunning white bouquet.
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Beautiful arrangement of exotic flowers in reds.
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Pink and white lily coffin tribute beautifully arranged with foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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24 of the finest red roses, lovingly arranged and hand-delivered especially to your recipient. Gypsophila finishes off this bouquet perfectly and adds depth to these luscious red roses. Surprise your true love with a beautiful bouquet.
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This classical designer bouquet of roses, lilies, shamrock blooms and foliage is a joy to behold. Subtle in colour and scent, yet full of impact and visual presence, this is the perfect designer flower bouquet.
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The fragrant longiflorum lily and the funky colours and shapes of agapanthus and delphinium make this a favourite amongst flower-lovers. This fun and uplifting combination is perfect for anyone who loves something a little different!
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An orange Solanumn plant presented in a ceramic pot and finished with a raffia bow.
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Prepared using the finest seasonal white, violet flowers, this pure bouquet is hand-made.
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A vibrant collection of large-headed white roses and lime green shamrock blooms, along with cobalt blue lisianthus and a selection of foliage. Carefully hand crafted by our skilled florists, this eye-catching bouquet is perfect for a variety of occasions.
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Pretty and pink perfectly sums up this basket. With pink tones throughout this basket arrangement its is easy to see how happy the recipient will be when they receive it.
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DAD tribute in jamaican national colours. Stand frame included.
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You can’t go wrong with a classic arrangement of deep red roses, finished off with a festive touch of eucalyptus and gold salal.
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Mixed freesias beautifully scented.
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Romantic arrangement of 20 red roses.
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This perfect gift of 20 yellow rose arrangement for any occasion.
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Beautiful arrangement of 20 pink roses
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Like nothing you have seen before. 12 rainbow coloured roses delivered for a unique surprise. Each rose is dyed with a vibrant selection of colours.
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Beautifully arranged 20 white rose bouquet.
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Ruby red Roses, Gerberas and Carnations simply zing against the glorious green Spray Chrysanthemums. With a touch of Hypericum and a flourish of Palm, this bouquet really does stand out from the crowd.
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A beautiful and emotive hand tied arrangement of pink stargazer lilies, lush red roses, shamrock blooms and foliage. Ideal for any romantic occasion and a perfect bouquet. This beautiful floral ensemble is a deservedly popular choice.
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A bright bouquet of fresh yellow Roses, striking white Chrysanthemums, blue Iris and Carnations, complemented beautifully with a touch of Pistache and Solidago. Flowers will be delivered in bud for freshness.
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This snowy arrangement of beautiful white blooms is pure and indulgent flower luxury. Carefully crafted from Avalanche roses and creamy white miniature gerberas, along with fluffy white carnations and delicate white lisianthus, this beautiful bouquet
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Designed with a new baby boy in mind, this handsome bouquet of cream, white and blue flowers includes gerberas, lisianthus and oriental lilies. Perfect for the proud new mum and dad, this individually crafted ensemble is edged with foliage and grasses for
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A simply arranged medley of large, pink roses, cerise coloured gerberas, stargazer lilies and lime green shamrock blooms, mingled between a little fresh foliage. This vibrant bouquet is quite "scentsational", smelling absolutely beautiful.
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A ready to display arrangement in all whites and a matching white container. With a big lily in the middle of the arrangement which is complemented by white gerbera.
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DAD tribute blue and white colours. Flowers include roses, chrysanthemums, statice and foilage on white chrysanthemums base. Price: Standard (without ribbon) - Deluxe (with ribbon). Stand frame included.
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Beautiful arramgement of all white coffin spray flowers includes lilies, germini, roses, chrysanthemums and mixed foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Delicate orange Carnations sit perfectly along side the beautiful fragrant Rose and Alstoemeria blooms. Sprigs of red Hypericum complete this pretty bouquet.
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Traditional and exuding a time honoured beauty, this stunning bouquet features the palest pink roses, alongside pretty pastel pink spray carnations. Arranged around a centre of fluffy white gypsophila, this new twist on our Just Because roses and carnatio
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A big hit of colour which will feel like a summer breeze has been brought in. With bright pink Germini and orange Free Spirit roses give this bouquet a serious burst of colour. Delivered in bud to prolong the freshness of the bouquet.
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Invoke a feast of visual delight with this funky, fresh bouquet! Strongly coloured, vibrant hues make this a truly inspired ensemble. From the vibrant orange of the germini to the blues of the eustoma and the deep, cobalt veronica, this is the perfect fre
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Lovely Pillow tribute in shades of pinks and whites using roses, carnations, spray carnations, wax flower, leather leaf on white chrysanthemums base and pink ribbon edge. Silver lettering NAN. Silver letters are at additional 70p per letter.
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In the heart of this bouquet is a single rose. The spray carnations are small and placed around the rose with delicate germinis flanking the rose which are our customer favourites. Finished with solidago for a pop of yellow. All lovingly delivered whilst
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Blue and white Pillow tribute using roses, gypsophilia, leather leaf on white chrysanthemums base and blue ribbon edge. Silver lettering additional 70p per letter.
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Beautifully arranged Pillow tribute in red and white colours using roses, carnations, gypsophilia, leather leaf on white chrysanthemums base and red ribbon edge. SIlver lettering HUSBAND. Silver lettering is additional 70p per letter.
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If it simply has to be Sunflowers then this is the bouquet for you.
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Stunning and popular MUM tribute which can be done in any national colours. Stand frame included.
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Revel in the elegance of this luxurious bouquet, featuring a captivating mix of white and blue blooms. Presented in beautiful packaging, it’s perfect for making a sophisticated statement.
Luxury quality blue / purple / lilac and white flowers and fillers with mixed foliages.
Presented as a hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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Invite the summer into your home. This summer mix is a selection of sunshine filled Sunflowers, crisp roses with the always popular pink gerberas. With a dash of iris and the bouquet is summer ready.
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Beautiful hues of lavender will make up this beautiful bouquet, showcasing a blend of white and purple blooms. Perfectly wrapped and finished with a ribbon, it’s ideal for many occasions.
A collection of purple / blue / lilac flowers mixed with white flowers and fillers presented as a flat bouquet in complementary packaging.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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Beautifully arranged pillow tribute using red roses, gypsophilia, leather leaf on a white base chrysanthemums, ribbon edge along with a crest. Silver lettering is additional 70p per letter.
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Blue and white pillow tribute using roses, gypsophilia, leather leaf on a white chrysanthemums base with ribbon edge. Silver lettering is additional 70p per letter.
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Orange and white pillow tribute includes germin, carnations, leather leaf on a white euro chrysanthemums base finished off with orange ribbon edge.
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Designed with a new girl in mind, this pretty bouquet of white, lilac and pastel pink flowers includes gerberas, roses, lisianthus and oriental lilies. Perfect for the proud new mum and dad, this individually crafted ensemble is edged with foliage and gra
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Beautifully arranged MUM tribute in red and white colours using roses, carnations, gypsophilia, leather leaf on a white chrysanthemums base and ribbon edge. Price: Standard (without ribbon) - Deluxe (with ribbon). Stand frame included.
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Beautifully arranged MUM tribute in pink and white colours using roses, spray carnations, foliage on white chrysanthemums base and pink ribbon edge. Price: Standard (without ribbon) - Deluxe (with ribbon). Stand frame included.
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This stuning pink, white and purple pillow arrangement on a euro white chrysanthemums base, carnations, roses, spray carnations, lisianthus, gypsophilia along with leather leaf with pink ribbon edge.
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A striking mix of long-lasting alstroemeria, scented white spray stocks, avalanche roses, lisianthus, freesia and antirrhinum complemented by seasonal foliages.
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A mix of peach roses, la belle roses, pink roses, hypericum, double lisianthus, eucalyptus, and seasonal foliages.
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This beautiful bouquet is made up of pink lilies and blush roses, surrounded by delicate white alstroemeria and chrysanthemum.
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Our Summer Loving hand tied bouquet contains a stunning mix of beautiful yellow, pink and purple blooms. A statement sunflower is surrounded by roses, germini, carnations, lilies, alstros, and lisianthus.
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With deep purple roses, double lilac lisianthus, pink limonium and carnations all sent in bud.
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Fantastically vibrant and delightfully fragrant.
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The ultimate declaration of love and devotion, a sumptuous bouquet of 50 Sweetheart red roses the ideal romantic gift.
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A glorious mix of orange blooms with bursts of pink, purple and green stems make up our beautiful Sunrise bouquet. A mix of roses, germini, alstro's, carnations, and other seasonal blooms and foliage are delicately arranged to create this bouquet.
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Send them a beautiful bouquet of bright tones, with purple alstroemeria and carnations, warming orange germini and gorgeous cerise and orange roses.
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A mix of cerise germini, spray chrysanthemums and orange germini complement a cerise rose that takes center stage in this bouquet.
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Lilac & White Posy.
This is a funeral posy in oasis. 20cm / 8” Posy Pad. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Ger-mini, Lilac Freesia, Delianne style Chrysanth Spray, Green Hypericum. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Salal.
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A mixture of a whole bunch of blooms from oranges roses, green chrysanthemum, orange germini's, cerise carnations, and foliage.
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Say 'I Love You' 100 times with 100 red roses. The ultimate declaration of love and devotion, a sumptuous bouquet of 100 Sweetheart red roses.
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Orange lilies, miss piggy roses, purple alstroemeria are perfectly complemented by summer foliages in this bright bouquet.
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A scented spring posy in soft and subtle shades, featuring Roses, Hyacinth, Freesia, Tulips and Eucalyptus.
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A bright mix of sunflowers, purple star chrysanthemums, roses and solidago bring together this summer bouquet.
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The ultimate romantic gesture! This luxurious red and burgundy bouquet is the perfect way to show someone how much they mean to you. The stunning arrangement features deep red and cerise spray roses, red hypericum with burgundy carnations and foliage to c
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This signature sunflower bouquet is perfect for bringing the sunshine inside and putting a smile on someone’s face.
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Our stunning Summer Meadow bouquet is made up of yellow germini and alstro's, orange roses and germini, and seasonal foliage.
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A gorgeous single sunflower is surrounded by yellow roses and alstros, green carnations, and seasonal foliage.
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Send some Joy with a beautiful mix of yellow sunflowers, roses, and alstros, white carnations, and lilies with seasonal foliage.
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Our Warm Love bouquet is a romantic and sensual summer arrangement containing deep pink and purple tones sending that feeling of late, warm summer evenings.
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New Market contains a bright mix of orange roses, cerise spray roses, purple bloom chrysanthemums, delicate orange alstroemeria, scented purple stocks and cerises complemented by seasonal foliages.
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A beautiful bouquet of mixed pink, purple and white British Sweet Williams. This bouquet, bursting with colour.
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Our Fiery Rose bouquet is a vibrant bouquet full of deep oranges, pinks, and purples. This beautiful bouquet contains a bright mix of orange roses, cerise spray roses, purple bloom chrysanthemums, delicate orange alstroemeria, and scented purple stocks, c
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Beautifully arranged pink roses. Standard 100 roses 50cm
Medium 300 roses 50cm
Large 500 roses 50cm
Please note the image shown Standard price
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12 luxury red roses and fabulous foliage are all you need to make a grand romantic gesture to your sweetheart.
12 luxury red roses eg. Naomi, Explorer. Hand-tied or arranged in Oasis with choice foliage and presented in a gift bag or box.
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A vibrant summer bouquet full of pink roses, purple spray carnations and seasonal foliage that is sent in bud to protect the flowers on their way to your recipient.
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Send some summer vibes with the My Sunshine bouquet. A beautiful mixture of yellow and green blooms are sure to bring a smile to your recipient's face. Sunflowers, roses, carnations, and seasonal foliage are carefully arranged.
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Stunning 300 red roses beautifully arranged. Price:
Standard 50cm
Medium 60cm
Large 70cm
Please note the image shown Large price
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Windsor contains a bright mix of long-lasting yellow alstroemeria, orange spray roses, yellow roses, solidago and santini all complemented by elegant seasonal foliages.
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500 of the best red roses. Rosa Naomi best red roses in Europe.
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Beautifully arranged large headed long stem Aqua roses. Standard 100 roses 70cm
Medium 300 roses 70cm
Large 500 roses 70cm
Please note the image shown Standard price
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Funeral flowers in cellophane using bright shades of yellow, white and green.
Stem count not specified, individual flower count not specified. Suggestion flowers include Carnation, Lisianthus, Hypericum and Sunflowers depending on availability during the seasons with Foliage. Flowers in cellophane.
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You are looking at the heavy weight of red roses Grade A Rosa Naomi. Large headed and long stemmed best selling red roses in Europe. Standard 100 roses 70cm
Medium 300 roses 70cm
Large 500 roses 70cm
Please note the image shown Stan
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Share your sentiments with this beautiful arrangement of white and green blooms complemented by lush greenery. Presented in elegant wrapping.
Green and white seasonal blooms and fillers with a collection of green foliage.
Hand Tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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A beautiful mix of cerise germini, carnations and white lilies complemented with delicate foliage.
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A delightful arrangement of pink and purple seasonal flowers, beautifully complemented by lush green foliage. Presented in beautiful packaging this bouquet adds a touch of contemporary elegance to any occasion.
A collection of pink and white flowers and fillers with purple / lilac / blue flowers depending upon season with mixed foliage.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging
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White carnations nestled in amongst pretty pink roses and gypsophila make up this delicate bouquet.
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A lively bouquet featuring a bright mix of vibrant seasonal blooms. Complemented by lush green foliage and presented in a beautiful packaging, this arrangement is perfect for adding a pop of colour to any occasion.
A bright vibrant collection of seasonal flowers and fillers with mixed foliage.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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This colourful Rose Medley bouquet contains 36 intermediate red, white and pink roses. Perfect for any occasion!
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Our Taunton bouquet is an elegant mix of vendela roses, complemented by blue eryngium with each stem sent in bud so your recipient can watch the flowers bloom in their home upon arrival.
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A stunning collection of pink and green seasonal flowers in toning packaging. This bouquet is designed to impress and uplift any space.
Different shades of pink flowers with the addition of green flowers or fillers.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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Show your grand affection with this luxurious bouquet of the finest blooms of the season. Arranged in beautiful packaging, this bouquet is perfect for expressing your deepest emotions and making a lasting impression.
A beautiful collection of pink, white and blue / purple high quality seasonal flowers and fillers. This is total luxury and the customer is expecting high quality.
Presented as a hand tied in complementary wrapping.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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A beautiful bright hand tied bouquet of hot pink gerbera, roses and alstroemeria with foilages.
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Beautifully arranged 200 pink and white roses
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Beautifully arranged twelve red roses with asparagus foliage.
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White Massed 120cm Cross with Red & Blue Spray.
120cm Oasis Cross Frame. Red Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: White Double Chrysanth Spray. Red Roses, Blue Delphinium, Green Hypericum. Suggested foliage: Soft Ruscus, Aspidistra.
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The Bold Blooms bouquet showcases some of our favourite flowers! Containing a mixture of bright orange roses, green chrysanthemums, cerise carnations, germini, lisianthus and a variety of foliage to complement.
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Mother's Blessings contains a gorgeous mix of pink roses and white carnations with delicate pink tips, complemented by gypsophila million stars
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A sensational array of roses hand-tied and beautifully presented. This star of the florist just demands adoration and is sure to wow the recipient.
A hand-tied bouquet delivered in water of 12 high quality pink roses and complementary filler wrapped in paper/ cellophane in a box / bag.
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This gorgeous hand-tied bouquet of sweet pastel shades is sure to bring joy and delight. Crammed with beautiful flowers guaranteed to put a boost into any occasion.
A Hand-tied bouquet delivered in water in a box / bag wrapped in complimentary paper / flowers. A collection of high end luxury traditional pastel shaded flowers were used.
A novelty pick was added to enhance the design.
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Our Peach Lily & Rose bouquet is filled with peach lilies, roses and fresh green foliage.
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This seasonal bouquet is filled with colourful germini, delicate roses, bold iris and seasonal foliage to complement.
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Show your sentiments with this luxurious bouquet of 6 red roses, perfectly presented in beautiful packaging, it’s designed to captivate and express passionate love.
beautiful blend of six luxury red roses and white wax flower or other suitable filler, elegantly arranged with lush green foliage in complementary packaging
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Our 30 Elegant Rose bouquet is perfect in every way. With pink, lilac, and peach roses, this luxury rose bouquet is bound to impress.
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Bursting with yellow germini, pink roses and bold blue iris, this bouquet is perfect for sending a little sunshine to someone’s door.
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A special gift of long lasting Oriental Lilies so simple, so perfect.
5 stems of 3/4 headed pink Oriental lilies and foliage were used to create this hand-tied. If the customer chooses the higher priced versions then the stem count must increase. Gift wrapped and delivered in water in a wrapping of your choosing. (If these coloured Lilies are not available please reject or contact customer to advise of alternatives.)
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A pretty bouquet made up of bright pink germini, pale yellow chrysanthemum, blue iris and delicate white alstroemeria.
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A simply sensational bouquet of delicate summer stems arranged beautifully.
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Show your affection with this mouth-watering mix of classical flowers delivered in a delightful gift bag or box.
This small jute gift bag arrangement is filled with a full block of Oasis cut off at the top to leave approximately 2cm above the bag. The leftover piece is then sliced into small pieces to put down the sides to make the block secure in the bag. Fill the design with foliage to create a dome shape and then fill with flowers. Please try to include a couple of roses.
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Let the experts work their magic with a unique Valentine’s Day gift wrap.
A collection of flowers suitable for Valentine’s Day presented and wrapped as you think appropriate.
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The epitome of spring. Hot pinks mingled with yellow freesia, fragrant blue hyacinth, tulips and orange roses to make a stunning arrangement, sure to impress.
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Those late evening summer sunsets deliver an instant beauty across the sky, and this bouquet delivers that warmth that comes with it as the perfect summer gift.
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A magnificent golden and rust red aqua packed gift bag arrangement of Orchids, Roses, Germini, Carthamus, Carnations and Hypericum berries, simply bursting with autumnal colours and textures.
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Sleek and simple, this pink Orchid plant is ready to be diplayed and enjoyed.
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Elegance is the truest form. Nothing says class and elegance more than a white Orchid plant.
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A delightful fun additional treat delivered with your chosen floral gift.
Baby Boy Balloon.
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A small but choice selection of flowers arranged in a petite container.
An arrangement in oasis in a lined container. The collecton of flowers should be pink lemons and whites with mixed foliage . Top Tip . Fill the container with mixed foliage before adding the flowers.
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A more luxurious twist on our popular classic Rose and Lily bouquet. Containing two types of scented pink roses, oriental pink lilies and a variety of seasonal foliage, the scent from this bouquet will be sure to have any room smelling sweet!
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Brightly colours spring themed spray in yellow, blue, white colours using iris, freesia, germini, solidago, chrysanthemums, soft ruscus, leather leaf. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Bring the sunshine indoors with our beautiful Summer Roses bouquet. Containing a bright mix of long-lasting yellow alstroemeria, orange spray roses, yellow roses, solidago, and santini. Complemented with elegant seasonal foliage. Perfect for making those
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Vibrant coloured Coffin spray using roses, germini, lisianthus, spray carnations, statice, limonium, aspadistra, leather and palm leaves. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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Who doesn't love pastel shades? This pretty bouquet is filled with pale pink chrysanthemums and germini, cream lilies, white roses and seasonal foliage.
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Who doesn't love pastel shades? This pretty bouquet is filled with pale pink chrysanthemums and germini, cream lilies, white roses and seasonal foliage.
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A welcomed addition to any flower delivery, add an elegant glass vase to your order and leave a lasting impression. (Design may vary)
Add-on Glass Vase
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Sweet Spring contains a mix of pink and orange germini, spray chrysanthemums complemented by a cerise rose that takes center stage in this bouquet.
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This stunning bouquet features pink roses and scented oriental lilies, complemented by a touch of gypsophila.
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This luxury white bouquet is classic and elegant and is sure to make an impression. Freesias symbolises friendship, making this the perfect gift to send to someone you love.
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The elegant pink Calla lilies and beautiful roses in this bouquet, alongside the eucalyptus foliage make it a sure winner with any lucky recipient.
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Red and white roses coffin spray with mixed foilage. Price: 3ft Standard - 4ft Deluxe - 5ft Luxury
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A delightful fun additional treat delivered with your chosen floral gift.
Baby Girl Balloon
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A beautiful hat-box filled with a vibrant collection of flowers and foliage.
A Hat Box arragement in foam filled with vibrant coloured flowers . Top tip . Fill the hatbox with foliage before adding flowers
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Bright and vibrant brithday flowers delivered the same day by Rosa Florist
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An incredibly romantic and simply stunning rich red Rose & pink Lily flower bouquet with deep red Spray Chrysanthemums and bold Carnation blooms.
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Strikingly simple bright yellow Tulips in a cream gift bag. This dazzling hand-tied will bring a smile to the face of someone special.
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A delightful bouquet of mixed red, white and pink roses, a guaranteed joy, sure to let that special someone know how you feel. Our gorgeous roses are delivered in bud by our courier for maximum freshness to ensure they are enjoyed for as long as
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Warm mix of gerbera, sunflowers along with filler and foliage. Seasonal
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A classic and serene hand-tied of double white Tulips beautifully presented in a cream bag.
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A full hand-tied of pink Tulips beautifully presented in a cream bag.
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Tasteful posy arrangement suitable for gentleman or lady. Alternative colours available.
Posy in oasis. Pinks, Purple, Whites. Stem count not specified, individual flowers not specified. Suggested flowers: rose, carnations, spray carnation, statice. Check colour scheme.
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A sumptuous mix of purple and whites all ready to be displayed in a handy gift bag.
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A stunning hand-tied of mixed Tulips. Simple and elegant, this arrangement will brighten somebody's day.
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An impressive hand-tied of purple and white flowers, presented in a complimentary gift bag or box to make your gift feel extra special.
A hand-tied delivered in water in a bag or box. In lilac / blue / purple / white shades of flower & filler.
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Make their day with this bright and vibrant collection of flowers, beautifully presented in a gift box / bag.
A bright and vibrant mixture of cerise ,yellow, green and white flowers and foliage handtied ,wrapped and delivered in a box or bag.
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A pure white Lily is the star, perfectly nestled alongside glorious white Bloom Chrysanthemums and delicate Spray Carnations. White Pine Cones complete this cool crisp New Year flower gift.
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Flowers to put a smile on their face. Let them know that you’re thinking of them with this fun petite collection of flowers and foliage to send same day. Flowers for same day delivery by the local florist.
A small arrangement in a Pottery/zinc style container lined and filled with Foam. This posy arrangement is made using small choice flowers and foliages in shades of yellow, lemon and white with a touch of orange.
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Say hello in style with this fabulous hand-tied. Why not take the opportunity to be spontaneous and surprise them today with a stunning flower delivery by their local florist.
Shades of pink, cerise and white flowers with mixed foliages Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
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Pink and blue hyacinth are paired together in this traditional bouquet.
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Florist choice flowers professionally made with the finest blooms on the day.
Florist choice flowers to be selected and presented by the florist . Please be aware of Special Instructions
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It's a pastel bonanza Spring bouquet! From yellow Tulips to pink Ranunculus and Mimosa.
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This classical stylish collection of flowers, make this hand tied the perfect gift. Flowers professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist.
Hand-tied flowers in varying shades of purple, lilacs, cerise and white to dominate with mixed foliages.Wrapped and presented as you wish.
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Hand prepared by our professional florists, this aquapack of 12 gorgeous red roses will deliver a smile.
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An expert artisan florist will design a hand-tied filled with the finest quality seasonal flowers, perfectly wrapped and delivered in water.
Florist Choice Handtied in Water - Flowers and packaging decided by the delivering florist. Please be aware of Special Instructions
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Mauve Tulips beautifully presented in a cream gift bag. Stunningly simple.
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With 24 of the most exquisite red roses, make someone happy on a day to remember, this bouquet will make Valentine's Day one to remember.
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This stunning hand-tied of 50 beautiful red roses, hand-prepared by our florists and will say what words can not this Valentine's Day.
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Make somebody's day. Gorgeous orange Tulips beautifully presented in a cream gift bag.
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A very pretty and bright arrangement of mixed Tulips. An ideal spring in to summer bouquet.
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Add a little sparkle this Christmas with this beautiful, pure, white bouquet. Chrysanthemum blooms are neatly nestled alongside Roses and silver giltered Carnations. Silver Lotus heads complete the seasonal arrangement perfectly.
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A gorgeous collection of pretty pink and lilac Tulips. Simple in design but stunning just the same.
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Be different with a stylish wrap of purple Tulips and spring into romance.
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Show your affection with this fabulous hand-tied featuring white oriental lilies and foliage.
White oriental lilies and choice foliage are hand-tied and presented in gift box or bag. White lilies are expected so if none available, please contact the customer to agree an alternative or reject.
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This gloriously colourful selection of mixed Tulips will bring a spring fresh feel to any home.
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This aptly named arrangement is a beautiful basket of spring flowers in pastel pinks, yellows and lilacs. Featuring pink Ranunculus, lavender Freesia, pink Tulips, Daffodils and viburnum topped off with eucalyptus.
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The essence of Spring - orange and mauve Tulips, pink and gold Ranunculus and yellow Mimosa star in this natural arrangement.
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Gorgeous cerise ranunculus are paired with delicate pink tulips in this delectable bouquet.
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Mixed pink tulips are paired with glorious blue anemone and topped with pistache leaves in this luxurious bouquet.
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A radiant bouquet of mixed tulips and ranunculus in cheerful shades of pink and orange. Bring sunshine to their day with this cordial bouquet.
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A gloriously bright stemmed spring flower bouquet, featuring daffodils and tulips.
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Welcome spring in to your home with this colourful Tulip Wrap.
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A gloriously bright stemmed spring flower bouquet, featuring daffodils and tulips.
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This bold and beautiful bouquet of blue hyacinth, white stock, cream and yellow tulip topped with bupleurum is the perfect way to brighten their day.
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A classic basket arrangement of Spring flowers - lilac Freesia, cream double Tulips, mauve Wax Flower and yellow Mimosa. Absolutely beautiful.
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A pretty collection of timeless, favourite flowers skilfully arranged in a beautiful basket to send your message in a wonderful way.
An all-round low basket of flowers arranged in Oasis in pastel shades. Fabric ribbon was used. Top tip: Fill the basket with foliage before adding the flowers
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Looking for that ultimate gift that's out of this world!? Look no further. This fabulous hand-tied of the finest and freshest blooms is all you need to make a lasting impression...
A fabulous collection of pink shaded choice flowers and foliage in a hand-tied wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting high quality roses and lilies to be included.
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A luxurious basket filled with a selection of the finest blooms, designed in a serene colourway.
A collection of white and ivory flowers and foliage arranged in a stylish basket. The customer will be expecting flowers to include high quality roses.
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Send luxury at its finest with this breathtaking composition made with the most desirable blooms. If you're looking for that extra special gift with that added WOW factor - You’ve found it!
A hand-tied of very special white and green flowers and foliage wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting Green Anthuriums and high quality roses to be included.Please contact cusomer of you need to substitute.
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Open Based 46cm Pillow in Lilac & White.
46cm x 31cm Oasis Pillow Base. Foliage base. Suggested flowers: Lilac Carnations, White Roses, Lilac and White Lisianthus, Eryngium, White Chrysanthe-mum. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum.
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Example Style 2: Dad in Letters.
(All words available in this style.) Oasis Dad Frame. Foliage edge and base. Suggested flowers: Purple Lisianthus, Lilac September Flower, White Spray Roses, Cream Santini Chrysanthe-mum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf.
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Yellow & White Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 75cm long / 45cm width. Suggested flowers: Yellow Roses, Yellow Carnations, Chrysanth Spray. Suggested foliage: Aspidistra and Eucalyp-tus.
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Multi Coloured Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 75 cm long / 45cm width. Suggested flowers: Pink Oriental Lilies, Cerise Carnations, Peach Roses, Lilac September Flower, Red Spray Carnations. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus, Aspidistra, Leather Leaf.
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Classic Wreath in Purple & White.
30cm / 12” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Roses,
Purple Carnations, Purple Lisianthus and Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus.
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Purple & Pink Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 75cm long / 45cm width. Suggested flowers: Pink Germini, Purple Lisianthus, Pink Roses, Lilac September Flower, Green Sandinista Chrysanth. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Ivy, Pittosporum.
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White Massed Wreath with Red Rose Spray.
40cm / 16” Oasis Wreath Frame with a Red Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: Massed base of White Double Chrysanth with Main Spray and Small Spray of Red Roses and Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ivy and Eucalyptus.
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All White & Green Double Ended Spray.
Double Ended Spray on Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 100cm long / 50cm width. Suggested flowers: White large headed Roses, Green Blooms, White Oriental Lilies, White Antirrhinum. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus, Aspidistra, Pittosporum, Leather Leaf.
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Classic Wreath in Peach & Green.
36cm / 14” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus. Suggested flowers: Peach Roses, Orange Germini, Green Carna-tions, Red Hypericum, Gypsophila, White Chrysanthemum.
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A simply gorgeous country basket arrangement bursting with vibrant Ranunculus, fragrant Freesia, spray Carnations and Veronica.
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Classic Wreath in Shades of Pink.
36cm / 14” Oasis Wreath Frame.
Mixed foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Cerise Germini, Cerise Carnations, Pink Alstroemeria, White Santini Chry-santhemum. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum, Eucalyptus and Hard Ruscus.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane Pink, Green & White.
Flowers wrapped in cellophane suitable for a funeral. Purple Tissue un-derneath flowers. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Pink Oriental Lilies, Green Blooms, Green Lisianthus, Pink Chry-santh Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Pittosporum.
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Country Style Tied Sheaf Peach & Blue.
Flowers tied in a natural style suitable for a funeral. Raffia Bow at tie point. Suggested flowers: Peach Roses, Peach Germini, Blue Delphinium, Cream Chrysanth Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Soft Ruscus, Pit-tosporum, Ruscus, Aralia Leaves.
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White Massed Wreath with Blue & Yellow Spray.
36cm / 14” Oasis Wreath Frame. Blue Ribbon Edge. Suggested flowers: Massed base
of White Double Chrysanth with Main Spray and Small Spray of Yellow Roses,
Blue Delphinium and Eryngium. Suggested foliage: Ivy and Leather Leaf.
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Tied Sheaf White & Green.
Flowers tied in Sheaf style suitable for a funeral. Fabric Bow at tie point. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Green Blooms, White Lisianthus, White Spray Roses, White Alstroemeria, Cream Chrysanth Spray, Gypsophila, White Germini. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Aralia Leaves.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane Purple & White.
Flowers wrapped in Cellophane suitable for a funeral. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Purple Lisianthus, Purple and White Lisianthus, White Chrysanthemum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Pittosporum.
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Petite Posy Pink & Cream.
Oasis 15cm / 6” Posy pad. Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Cream Stocks, Wax Flower, Cream Carnation. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Pittosporum.
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The spray will be arranged in Oasis by a professional florist using a beautiful collection of flowers and foliage.
The spray will be arranged in Oasis by a professional florist using a beautiful collection of flowers and foliage suitable for the occasion . Colours and requested flowers cannot be guaranteed. Small (2ft), Medium (3ft), Large (4ft) *Fine Print: Every product is hand made and delivered by the local florist. Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that was designed by talented florists! Please note that each individual florist cannot guarantee what the flower varieties or colours will be (unless specified on the product description), they will guarantee that
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Yellow & White Basket Arrangement.
White Trug Basket. Flowers arranged in Oasis. Flower collection to be in yellow and white with mixed foliages.
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Red & Pink Classic Posy.
24cm / 10” Posy Pad. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Red Spray Carnations, Red Santini Chrysanthemum Spray. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum, Salal.
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Classic Heart on Eco Base.
Oasis Naturebase Heart 33cm / 14” Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Pale Pink Double Chrysanth Spray, Pink Roses, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum, Eucalyptus.
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Single Ended Spray on Biodegradable Base.
Oasis Naturebase Florette Grande with Handle.
Suggested flowers: White Germini,
Pink Roses, Purple Lisianthus, Pink Spray Roses, White Santini Chrysan-themum Spray, Lilac September Flower. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Eu-calyptus, Pittosporum.
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A bonfire in a basket! This warming basket is the perfect centrepeice for your dining room table or a brilliant way to warm up a room. With vibrant oranges, warming reds and subtle blues, this basket has the perfect colour combination.
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Shades of purple, yellow and red make up this beautiful bouquet fit for any house or office.
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White Massed 43cm Cushion with Red Rose Spray.
43cm x 43cm Oasis Cushion Frame. Ribbon edge in Red. Suggested flowers: White Double Chrysanthemum. Red Roses and Gyp-sophila. Suggested foliage: Ivy, Flexi Grass, Eucalyptus.
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Just Colourful contains yellow daisy spray chrysanthemum, purple alstroemeria, cerise germini and a rose, finished off with seasonal foliage.
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Red hot Roses, Carnations and berries in a hand-tied bouquet.
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The red flowers illuminate the zesty green bloom Chrysanthemums whilst Gerberas are the stars in this rich hand-tied. Send this to warm up someone's day.
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Fiery red Carnations and deep red Chrysanthemums have been perfectly married with rich red Roses. Red Alstroemeria and a touch of gold Ruscus complete this stunning bouquet.
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Calocephalus beautifully contrasts with heather and pot chrysanthemum in this basket plant arrangement.
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A lovely plant arrangement containing luscious pot chrysanthemum, complemented beautifully with succulent plants and heather making it the perfect gift for any occasion.
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Green and white for sheer elegance shown here with green bloom Chrysanthemum, palest green Carnations, white Roses, Lisianthus and September Flower.
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A serene hand-tied of white Roses and Lilies, purple Aconitum and Lisianthus.
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Delicate pink Roses, Lisianthus and Lilies take centre stage in this pretty vase arrangement, complemented by bright pink Germini and pale pink Carnations.
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It's a fabulous choice to brighten up someone's day, whatever the occasion you're sending for.
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All the golds and yellows of Chrysanthemums, Lilies and Carnations with bright white frilly Carnations.
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A show-off aqua pack hand-tied of pink Lilies, pale pink Roses and Germini.
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Step away from tradition with a pink Rose signifying romance and elegance. Presented with foliage in an elegant black vase.
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Our expert florists will personally create your exquisite selection of luxurious pink and cream Roses, Gerbera and Freesias are the stars of this scented hand-tied bouquet, delivered in an aqua pack. Delivered in a stay-fresh aquapack which is suited to i
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Lavender Roses and pink Lilies make this arrangement beautifully soft and gentle.
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A classic pink and purple hand-tied featuring Roses, Germini, spray Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Lisianthus and September Flower.
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Striking orange Germini and Carnations mixed with green bloom Chrysanthemum beautifully gift wrapped.
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This bouquet is filled with rich, dark red and velvety Roses, Gerbera, Chrysanthemums and Hot pink Carnation.
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A popular choice. An elegant collection of white lilies.
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Mauves and creams are the star combination in this aqua pack hand-tied. Roses take the lead with Lisanthus and Chrysanthemums.
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A striking arrangement of white Roses and cream Lisianthus with Veronica, Trachelium and Aconitum providing a touch of blue.
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Lilies, Roses and Germini take the lead in this stunning arrangement with orange Chrysanthemums and gold Carnations providing signature notes.
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A delightful vintage hand-tied featuring Roses, Germini, Alstroemeria, Ranunculus, Trachelium and Viburnum Opulus. Designed to go directly in to a vase.
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A stunning selection of pink and purple Roses, Freesias, Lisianthus and Carnations beautifully delivered as an aqua pack hand-tied bouquet
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The perfect gift - a dozen mauve Roses and Eucalyptus presented as an aqua pack hand-tied. Pink means love, romance, peace and feminism.
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A sumptuous grouped hand tied bouquet of exquisite Red, Pink & Yellow Roses
finished with lush green foliage a favorite with everyone.
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Featuring a white large-headed rose, white germinis, purple lisianthus, and white spray chrysanthemums with statice and salal.
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Simply Lilies - a vase full of pink Oriental Lilies with mixed foliage.
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Our expert florists will personally create your Vibrant Aquapack using the finest and freshest stems.
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