Site traffic metric
UK site
15% conversion rate, average sale £45.00
Business Model
Sell bouquets and arrangements to your readers and earn 10% commission. Beautiful products updated automatically and banners advertising same day flower delivery by direct2florist network of local florists. The site champions local florists and local flower experts - helping to support the high street and local communities.
Flowers delivered same day by local florists
Direct2florist Ad Commercial - Seen on channel 7 (freeview) and 117 (sky)
Animated Banner Options

Targeted business audience, demographic fit
Male/female, age 25+
Expertise and influence in the niche
Experts in same day flower delivery, Direct2florist is 20 years established, British Florist Association "service provider of the year winners" in 2018, 2019 & 2020. The family business network "people's choice winners" 2020. We are proud to be announced Barclays "entrepreneur international expansion" winners 2021. Feefo currently 28,000+ reviews at 4.8/5 and Trustpilot 24,000+ reviews 4.8/5. Google reviews 1,300+ 4.7
Innovative technology means florists deliver quicker - delighting customers
Dedicated App for member florists ensures fast acceptances of orders and speedy delivery. Business model promotes local florists and supports local communities.
Social media presence, influence and engagements
Direct2florist Facebook -
Direct2florist Instagram -