A fabulous collection of white and cream flowers make this the perfect gift. This bouquet will be hand delivered by the local florist.
Hand tied of whites and cream in water and presented in a gift box/bag.
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A stunning array of blossoms and natural foliage, unspoiled bright and beautiful, as nature intended.
Green, white and lilac flowers and mixed foliages are handtied and placed in a glass vase. No cellophane must be used and only natural ties to be used.
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Capture the essence of a golden meadow with this stunning bouquet of yellow, white, and orange flowers. Presented in a stylish packaging it's perfect for adding natural beauty to any space.
A collection of shades of orange yellow and white flowers and fillers with the addition of mixed foliage. Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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This classical stylish collection of flowers, make this hand tied the perfect gift. Flowers professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist.
Hand-tied flowers in varying shades of purple, lilacs, cerise and white to dominate with mixed foliages.Wrapped and presented as you wish.
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Send luxury at its finest with this breathtaking composition made with the most desirable blooms. If you're looking for that extra special gift with that added WOW factor - You’ve found it!
A hand-tied of very special white and green flowers and foliage wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting Green Anthuriums and high quality roses to be included.Please contact cusomer of you need to substitute.
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Show your affection with this fabulous hand-tied featuring white oriental lilies and foliage.
White oriental lilies and choice foliage are hand-tied and presented in gift box or bag. White lilies are expected so if none available, please contact the customer to agree an alternative or reject.
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Looking for that ultimate gift that's out of this world!? Look no further. This fabulous hand-tied of the finest and freshest blooms is all you need to make a lasting impression...
A fabulous collection of pink shaded choice flowers and foliage in a hand-tied wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting high quality roses and lilies to be included.
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An impressive hand-tied of purple and white flowers, presented in a complimentary gift bag or box to make your gift feel extra special.
A hand-tied delivered in water in a bag or box. In lilac / blue / purple / white shades of flower & filler.
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A breathtaking spray of seasonal flowers interspersed with foliage. Natural, beautiful and just perfect.
Please use no cellophane or plastic tie on this product as it is marketed as eco friendly.
Hand-tied delivered in water in a glass vase. If you do not want to tie the flowers that is your choice.
Suggested flowers and foliage
Germini, Rose, Chrysanthemum Blooms, Astilbe, Lizianthus, Alchemilla Mollis, Antirrhinum, Phlox, Aralia, Eucalyptus cinerea.
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An outstanding hand tied bouquet with a cascade of colour and a treasure chest overflowing with the beautiful flowers.
A handtied of mixed pastel shaded summer flowers and foliages in water wrapped and presented as you wish.
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of yellow and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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A simple wrap of mixed flowers to convey your message will be put together from the finest collection of flowers on the day by a real local florist.
A simple wrap of flowers in pastel shades in paper / tissue / cellophane, your choice. (See video for wrapping tips)
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A soft colour palette of beautiful flowers is wrapped in paper and tied using natural materials.
Natural style gift wrap using Kraft paper or similar . NO Cellophane. Only bio degradable packaging to be used on this product.Cotton type Ribbon and natural tying material only. Pastel shaded flowers and mixed foliages.
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12 luxury red roses and fabulous foliage are all you need to make a grand romantic gesture to your sweetheart.
12 luxury red roses eg. Naomi, Explorer. Hand-tied or arranged in Oasis with choice foliage and presented in a gift bag or box.
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A welcomed addition to any flower delivery, add an elegant glass vase to your order and leave a lasting impression. (Design may vary)
Add-on Glass Vase
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An expert artisan florist will design a hand-tied filled with the finest quality seasonal flowers, perfectly wrapped and delivered in water.
Florist Choice Handtied in Water - Flowers and packaging decided by the delivering florist. Please be aware of Special Instructions
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Lilac & White Posy.
This is a funeral posy in oasis. 20cm / 8” Posy Pad. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Ger-mini, Lilac Freesia, Delianne style Chrysanth Spray, Green Hypericum. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Salal.
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Full Heart of Elegant Red and Green Flowers.
38cm x 38cm / 15” x 15” Solid Oasis Heart Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Red Roses, Red Germini, Red Spray Carnations, Green Santini, Chrysanth. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum and Ruskus.
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Open Heart in Pink Shades.
43cm x 43cm / 17” Oasis Open Heart Frame. Foliage edge, Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Pink Germini, Pink Alstroemeria, Pink Chrysanth Spray. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum and Ruscus.
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Classic Wreath in White.
40cm / 16” Oasis Wreath Frame. Mixed Foliage Edge. Suggested flowers: White Chrysanthemum Blooms, White Gerbera, White Lisianthus, White Spray Carnations, White Santini Chrysanthemum. Suggested foliage: Leather Leaf, Eucalyptus and Ruscus.
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Classic Wreath in Purple & White.
30cm / 12” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Roses,
Purple Carnations, Purple Lisianthus and Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane Pink, Green & White.
Flowers wrapped in cellophane suitable for a funeral. Purple Tissue un-derneath flowers. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Pink Oriental Lilies, Green Blooms, Green Lisianthus, Pink Chry-santh Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Pittosporum.
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Tied Sheaf Pink, Lilac & White.
Flowers tied in Sheaf style suitable for a funeral. Fabric Bow at tie point. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Lilac Carnations, Pink Spray Roses, Pink Chrysanth Spray, Lilac September Flower. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Pit-tosporum, Eucalyptus, Leather Leaf, Aralia Leaves.
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Tied Sheaf White & Green.
Flowers tied in Sheaf style suitable for a funeral. Fabric Bow at tie point. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Green Blooms, White Lisianthus, White Spray Roses, White Alstroemeria, Cream Chrysanth Spray, Gypsophila, White Germini. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Aralia Leaves.
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Revel in the elegance of this luxurious bouquet, featuring a captivating mix of white and blue blooms. Presented in beautiful packaging, it’s perfect for making a sophisticated statement.
Luxury quality blue / purple / lilac and white flowers and fillers with mixed foliages.
Presented as a hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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Beautiful hues of lavender will make up this beautiful bouquet, showcasing a blend of white and purple blooms. Perfectly wrapped and finished with a ribbon, it’s ideal for many occasions.
A collection of purple / blue / lilac flowers mixed with white flowers and fillers presented as a flat bouquet in complementary packaging.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane Purple & White.
Flowers wrapped in Cellophane suitable for a funeral. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Purple Lisianthus, Purple and White Lisianthus, White Chrysanthemum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Pittosporum.
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Yellow & White Basket Arrangement.
White Trug Basket. Flowers arranged in Oasis. Flower collection to be in yellow and white with mixed foliages.
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A luxurious basket filled with a selection of the finest blooms, designed in a serene colourway.
A collection of white and ivory flowers and foliage arranged in a stylish basket. The customer will be expecting flowers to include high quality roses.
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Share your sentiments with this beautiful arrangement of white and green blooms complemented by lush greenery. Presented in elegant wrapping.
Green and white seasonal blooms and fillers with a collection of green foliage.
Hand Tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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A delightful arrangement of pink and purple seasonal flowers, beautifully complemented by lush green foliage. Presented in beautiful packaging this bouquet adds a touch of contemporary elegance to any occasion.
A collection of pink and white flowers and fillers with purple / lilac / blue flowers depending upon season with mixed foliage.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging
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Show your grand affection with this luxurious bouquet of the finest blooms of the season. Arranged in beautiful packaging, this bouquet is perfect for expressing your deepest emotions and making a lasting impression.
A beautiful collection of pink, white and blue / purple high quality seasonal flowers and fillers. This is total luxury and the customer is expecting high quality.
Presented as a hand tied in complementary wrapping.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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This gorgeous hand-tied bouquet of sweet pastel shades is sure to bring joy and delight. Crammed with beautiful flowers guaranteed to put a boost into any occasion.
A Hand-tied bouquet delivered in water in a box / bag wrapped in complimentary paper / flowers. A collection of high end luxury traditional pastel shaded flowers were used.
A novelty pick was added to enhance the design.
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Show your sentiments with this luxurious bouquet of 6 red roses, perfectly presented in beautiful packaging, it’s designed to captivate and express passionate love.
beautiful blend of six luxury red roses and white wax flower or other suitable filler, elegantly arranged with lush green foliage in complementary packaging
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Let the experts work their magic with a unique Valentine’s Day gift wrap.
A collection of flowers suitable for Valentine’s Day presented and wrapped as you think appropriate.
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