Lilies - made and delivered by local florists in the UK.

 Order Star Gaze<br>

Star Gaze

A special gift of long lasting Oriental Lilies so simple, so perfect.

 Order Evelyn flowers


A fabulous collection of white and cream flowers make this the perfect gift. This bouquet will be hand delivered by the local florist.

 Order Scented Moonlight <br>

Scented Moonlight

A luxurious basket filled with a selection of the finest blooms, designed in a serene colourway.

 Order Ashleigh  flowers


A budding delight, complimented by greenery and presented in a gift box/bag. Beautiful flower bouquet hand delivered by the local florist.

 Order A Basket that Delights flowers

A Basket that Delights

A delightful basket arrangement of pinks, creams and purple mixed with complementary foliage.

 Order Ava flowers


A creamy selection of blossoming buds in shades of white


A lily bouquet is one of life’s great gifts; beautiful to look at, fabulously fragranced, long-lasting… it’s no wonder that this most beautiful of flowers is a favourite when it comes to online flower delivery.

From a simple bouquet of white lilies, the perfect combination of flowers in a rose and lily bouquet, or even a blue lily bouquet if you’re looking for something distinctively different, Direct2florist can help. Although not members of the lilium family, we can also help you to order a lily of the valley bouquet online.

From a traditional bouquet in soft pink, to a contemporary container arrangement in vibrant colours, the lily and it’s unmistakable scent are a great choice. We also have lily flower arrangements in a vase, as well as lily bouquets in hand-tied designs. Whatever the lucky recipient’s style, we have the design for you.

Order a lily bouquet to be hand-delivered today

Our florists will design and deliver your order by hand, using only the freshest lilies, ensuring every delivery of lilies arrives in pristine condition.

What’s more, our service offers a choice of delivery options. Need a bunch of lilies delivered today? That’s no problem with our same day delivery service (on orders placed before 2pm local time). Maybe you need a lily flower arrangement delivered tomorrow? That’s fine too. Or select a future date for delivery, including Sunday for those all-important Mother’s Day flowers and one of our skilled, independent florists will sort it for you.

What’s more, by arranging a lily flower delivery through Direct2florist you’re guaranteed a bigger, better gift as we promise that 100% of the flower order will be passed onto the florist (unlike our other floral gift networks who take 25% or even more of your money as commission). That means more lilies for your money!

So, next time you need to send a beautiful bouquet of flowers (or you would like to spoil yourself), look no further than Direct2florist – the lily flower delivery specialist.