Celebrate an 80th Birthday with Direct2florist's Beautiful Flower Delivery

It’s not every day that you turn 80, which means this extra special occasion deserves extra special flowers from Direct2florist. Through our international network of local independent florists, you can show your love and appreciation by sending an exquisite bouquet of luxury flowers through Direct2florist. Handcrafted to order by skilled floral designers, these beautiful arrangements will convey your warmest wishes and make the recipient feel truly special on their 80th birthday.

 Order Sunrise flowers


Energise their day with a stunning surprise. A warm collection of seasonal flowers artistically arranged by an artistic florist.

 Order Pot of Happiness flowers

Pot of Happiness

A small but choice selection of flowers arranged in a petite container.

 Order Florist Choice Flowers flowers

Florist Choice Flowers

Spoilt for choice? Let our experts create something for you. These flowers will be hand delivered by the local florist and often on flowers can be delivered on the same day if ordered before 2pm.

 Order Dawn flowers


Inspired by nature, a floral gift perfectly arranged in a container.

 Order Just Because flowers

Just Because

A pretty collection of timeless, favourite flowers skilfully arranged in a beautiful basket to send your message in a wonderful way.

 Order Morning Grace flowers

Morning Grace

Hand tied collection of pink and white flower delivered in a vase.


From a traditional basket arrangement to a glorious bouquet full of favourite flowers, we’ve got an 80th birthday gift to help celebrate the big day. Whether the lucky birthday girl or boy is up the road or on the other side of the world, sending 80th birthday flowers through Direct2florist only takes a few minutes. Through our safe, secure and easy-to-use website, just let us know where the birthday flowers need to be delivered, and we’ll show you which independent florists are able to help. From there, you can browse the florist’s designs, choose the best birthday gift and send it complete with a personalised message. You can also include special extras like balloons, a vase and chocolates to make the gift even more special.

What flowers should I send for an 80th birthday?

Popular flowers for an 80th birthday gift include roses, lilies, carnations and chrysanthemums. Perhaps the lucky recipient would like to celebrate their big day with a bouquet full of their favourite flower? Or perhaps the colours are more important than the flowers? Whatever flowers you choose to send through Direct2florist to celebrate a birthday, you’re onto a winner. That’s because every order is made to order by a skilled professional florist using only the freshest flowers, beautifully packaged and delivered with care by the florist’s own delivery driver.