Direct2florist has received GOLD TRUSTED MERCHANT recommendation status from Feefo. To be accredited with the Gold Trusted Merchant status, a business is required to receive an average Service Rating of between 95% and 100%.
In 2014 Direct2florist’s service rating hovered consistently around the 97% and 98% marks thanks to the incredibly high standards of its member florists. The ratings and reviews collated by Feefo are verified via sales data, which ensures that only those customers that have genuinely completed a transaction with a business are invited to provide feedback. This makes the annual Trusted Merchant accreditation highly desirable and well respected, as it is based upon the views of customers and not industry judges.

Hard work and professionalism
“The certification provides a visible independent reassurance to customers of Direct2florist’s excellent customer service,” said Simon Stirling, Direct2florist’s MD. “Our rating is far and away the best in our field and shows the skill, hard work, professionalism and high standards of our member florists.
The award also highlights the benefits of going direct to independent florists who make and deliver floral designs by hand rather than using a machine or delivering in ugly cardboard boxes.
“What’s more remarkable is that at Christmas, one of the busiest and most pressured times of the year for florists, our percentage rating actually increased! I would like to say a big thank you to all of our florists around the world who made this award happen. Well done.”
On presenting the Gold Trusted Merchant award to Direct2florist, Andrew Mabbut, CEO of Feefo, said: “This is the second year we have run this accreditation to highlight those merchants that have consistently delivered great customer service. The accreditation is awarded based on the feedback received directly from your customers; making this an award you and your whole team should be proud of!
“Congratulations again for all your hard work throughout 2014 which has led to you receiving such a great and consistent Service Rating. Here’s to a fantastic 2015!”
If you would like to order flowers and support local florists please cleck here Direct2florist