Direct2florist Magic Code: the easiest e-commerce option for florists

Members of Direct2florist can now add online ordering to their own websites quickly and easily thanks to its ingenious new Magic Code technology.

Thanks to some clever HTML technology, Magic Code can be easily added to any webpage or blog, turning it into an online shop in just 5 minutes. The system connects customers to a member florist’s Direct2florist page, utilising the safe, secure and user-friendly Direct2florist checkout.

Magic Code is ideal for florists who already have a website – or those looking to build one – who want to add an e-commerce option without breaking the bank. In short, it’s the simplest way for florists to start winning online business – something that’s vitally important for florists given the seemingly unstoppable rise of online ordering.

Benefits of Magic Code include:

  • easy to install – the simple HTML code takes 5 minutes
  • user-friendly design means you don’t need to be an expert to install it
  • sends orders into Direct2florist member systems
  • push notifications, email and telephone call functionality included if required
  • all orders appear in one place
  • secure payment options for customers
  • the usual fast pay out to florists expected from Direct2florist
Magic Code Layouts

A selection of different Magic Code layouts are available to Direct2florist’s members – view the example layouts here.

To access Direct2florist’s revolutionary Magic Code and start selling online in a matter of minutes, members should head to their Member Control Panel. Under Resources, an E-Commerce link provides access to the required information.

For more information, help with Magic Code and answers to any questions, please contact the Direct2florist HQ team.